Changes to the Fenestration Qualified Product List

Starting January 2020, the U-factor requirement for windows and doors to be Energy Star certified is dropping to 1.22 W/m2-K. This means that Natural Resource Canada’s Energy Star fenestration product list will no longer apply to the Tier 1 rebate. As such, effective January 1, 2020, the program will use a Qualified Product List for eligible windows and doors rather than Natural Resource Canada’s Energy Star fenestration product list. The new Qualified Product List will include all program eligible windows and doors with a U-factor of 1.40 W/m2-K or lower, currently on Natural Resource Canada’s Energy Star fenestration product list as well as all program eligible models listed with Canadian Standards Associations (CSA), Intertek Canada (Intertek), Labtest Certification (LC), QAI Laboratories (QAI) and National Fenestration Ratings Council (NFRC).

New Heat Pump Qualified Product Lists

There is now a program-qualified Heat Pump list to make it easier for customers to find out if their quoted models are eligible. The heat pump must be listed on the qualified heat pump product list to be eligible for rebates. All models that are eligible under the current program criteria are being added to this list.  To find qualifying heat pumps, visit There is also a list of program-qualified Air-to-Water heat pumps. The list can be viewed on Qualifying Heat Pumps. This means that homeowners will no longer be required to get pre-approval.

If you have any program questions, please contact the Program Coordinator, or reach out the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Coaches at 1(844) 881-9790