BC Hydro, Fortis BC, and Clean BC have heard from you and your customers! They issued an incredible number of Double the Rebate promo codes and know that the promotion has stimulated significant sales for your company during these trying times. Customers who have...
As of April 2021, Program Registered Contractors (PRC) will be a mandatory requirement for the Home Renovation Rebate Program’s insulation rebate. From that point forward, homeowners that wish to receive a rebate for home insulation will be required to use the...
On April 1 CleanBC introduced five additional municipalities that have joined the CleanBC Better Homes municipal top-up program, including Nanaimo, North Saanich, New Westminster, West Vancouver and Langley . Below is a chart showing all municipalities and the top-up...
The Heat Pump Group Purchase Rebate (GPR) rewards groups of homeowners working together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by switching from an oil, natural gas, or propane heating system to an air source heat pump. The Group Heat Pump Purchase Rebate is additional to...
CleanBC Better Homes is proud to introduce the Municipality of Central Saanich as the newest partnering municipality in our Municipal Top-Up program, with a top-up rebate of $350 when fuel switching to a qualified air source heat pump. Partnering municipalities...
The Home Renovation Rebate Program and CleanBC Home Efficiency Rebates have made it easier for customers to identify rebate-qualifying windows and doors. Starting January 1, 2020, customers are no longer required to find eligible products on Natural Resources Canada’s...