Year one of CleanBC featured a series of important actions aimed at reducing BC’s carbon emissions while creating new economic opportunities. Many incentives and programs are already getting results such as significantly expanded sales of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure, and increasing the energy efficiency of homes and businesses.
The B.C. government recently introduced important amendments to the Climate Change Accountability Act that strengthen our commitment to accountability and transparency and follow through on a key CleanBC commitment.
The proposed amendments will require government to establish an advisory committee to provide feedback on CleanBC initiatives; table a detailed CleanBC accountability report annually in the legislature starting in 2020; set an interim target on the path to our 2030 province-wide target by December 31, 2020; and set 2030 sectoral targets by March 31, 2021, following engagement with stakeholders, Indigenous peoples and local governments.
The legislative changes also give government the ability to set targets and requirements for provincial public sector buildings and fleets.
There has been a good start on CleanBC initiatives with strong partnerships that have resulted in meaningful action. The amendments to the legislation reinforce commitment to a cleaner, better future.
To learn more, read the news release and visit the CleanBC website.