HPSC Recommended Installer Certification Criteria

The HPSC Insulation, Fenestration, HVAC, and Renovation Sector Councils have worked to define the draft recommended, sector specific, certification criteria for a residential installer offering home performance services and solutions.

There are currently few mandated and enforced requirements for residential contractors in BC. Business operations, integrity, quality workmanship and staff training can be highly variable.

 The following is for informational purposes only. The HPSC does not guarantee that installers meeting the recommendations of the Sector Council will complete a quality job. 

The HPSC is using this information and working with utilities and governments implementing energy efficient home renovation programs to establish a network of skilled and knowledgeable contractors. If you are interested in contributing to this work, please contact us at info@homeperformance.ca.


Sector Specific Recommended Installer Certification Criteria

Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning



Energy Advisors
