Find a Contractor

Use the search tool below to find local contractors for your home upgrade needs. Contractors listed in the search tool are members of the Home Performance Contractor Network (HPCN).

How to Use the Contractor Search Tool
  1. In the first field, select the type of efficiency upgrade you are interested in. Search results will show contractors that have been verified to offer that service.
  2. In the second field, begin typing your address or the city/community that your home is located in. The field will begin to auto-populate options as you type – click on the accurate address/name from the auto-populated list.
  3. Search results will automatically appear on the screen after selecting your address/city/community; scroll down to view the list. Search results are listed in a randomized order.
  4. An optional filters section will appear. Click on the check boxes to filter the search results. Greyed-out check boxes indicate that the filters do not apply to your search results.
  5. To modify your search or complete a new search, simply edit your selections in the first two fields; the search results will repopulate, and the filters will reset.
Do I need to hire a contractor from this search tool to access rebates?

Maybe, it depends on the rebate(s) you want to apply for. The program providers listed below require you to hire a contractor from this search tool (i.e., an HPCN member) to be eligible for the rebates listed.

Rebate programs that are not listed below do not require you to hire a contractor from the search tool, for example, the federal Greener Homes Initiative.

How do I find a contractor’s membership number for my rebate application?

Members of the HPCN do not have membership numbers. Rebate programs that require you to hire an HPCN member will not ask for a membership number; when you apply for their rebates, you will be able to select the HPCN member you hired from a list.

If you are applying to a rebate program and they are asking for a membership number, for example, the federal Greener Homes Initiative, this is not referring to HPCN contractors as it is not currently mandatory to hire an HPCN member to access that rebate program.

What to expect from HPCN contractors

HPCN contractors have completed best practices and rebate program training, committed to ethical business practices, and are subject to ongoing quality assurance measures. Learn more about contractor requirements to participate in the HPCN.

Important information: This directory is for informational purposes only. The contractors listed on this directory are independent contractors and not affiliated with or employees of the Home Performance Stakeholder Council (HPSC) or its partners in any way. The contractors listed on this directory meet the limited criteria of the HPCN as described here. The HPSC and its partners do not endorse the quality of work provided by a HPCN contractor or guarantee any of their services. It is your responsibility to interview and select a contractor that meets your needs.

Contractor Search Tool

Why hire from the HPCN?

HPCN contractors have completed best practices training, committed to ethical business practices, and are subject to ongoing quality assurance measures. Learn more about contractor requirements to participate in the HPCN.

Many provincial rebate and incentive programs require that you work with a contractor from the HPCN to access their offers. Learn more about our current program partners.

What is the Home Performance Contractor Network?

The Home Performance Contractor Network (HPCN) is a database of home-upgrade contractors (otherwise known as retrofit or renovation contractors) in British Columbia, Canada. These contractors meet specified trade designation and training qualifications and are subject to ongoing review and quality assurance checks. The HPCN is managed by an independent not-for-profit called the Home Performance Stakeholder Council

Companies registered in the HPCN are required to:


Undergo reference checks


Maintain valid business licenses, general liability insurance, and good standing with WorkSafeBC


Agree to a code of conduct which includes committing to ethical business practices and high standards of customer service


Complete BC-specific best practices training for their industry


Provide a standard one year labour warrantee


Agree to ongoing quality assurance checks and maintain up-to-date qualifications

Contractors do not pay a membership fee to participate in the HPCN or to be displayed in the search tool. This allows the HPCN to operate as an unbiased and independent resource for homeowners to find qualified home-upgrade contractors.

HPCN Program Partners

To access home-upgrade rebates or incentives from many government and utility programs in the province, it is mandatory to hire an HPCN contractor. In cases where programs do not require the use of an HPCN contractor, it is still strongly recommended. 

Click on the links below to learn more about programs that require HPCN contractors:

Program AdministratorProgram Name and WebsiteRebate Type
CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program• Windows
• Heat Pumps
• Insulation
CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebates• Heat Pumps
• Insulation
Home Renovation Rebate Program• Heat Pumps
• Insulation
Home Renovation Rebate Program• Heat Pumps
• Insulation
FortisBC Dual Fuel Heating System Rebate• Duel Fuel Systems
FortisBC Income Qualified Rebate Program• Heat Pumps
• Insulation
Home Heating System Tune Up and Smart Thermostat Program• Furnace or boiler tune-ups
• Smart thermostat installations

CleanBC Better Homes Income-Qualified Offer
Rebate Type: Windows, Heat Pumps, Insulation

CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebates
Rebate Type: Heat Pumps, Insulation

Home Renovation Rebate Program
Rebate Type: Heat Pumps, Insulation

Home Renovation Rebate Program
Rebate Type: Heat Pumps, Insulation

FortisBC Income Qualified Rebate Program
Rebate Type: Heat Pumps, Insulation

Are you a contractor interested in joining the HPCN? Click here for more information.

Are you a contractor interested in joining the HPCN? Click here for more information.

Contractor Feedback

To provide comments on your experience with an HPCN contractor, fill out the Feedback Form below.

How we can help

Providing feedback on your experience with an HPCN contractor helps our organization manage their membership. Complaints will be investigated to determine if contractors are producing quality workmanship and maintaining a high standard of business practices. Our investigation may result in contractors needing to recomplete membership requirements or being removed from the search tool.

The HPSC may need to reference your specific feedback/project when speaking with the contractor as part of their investigation process. Note: The HPSC will not share your contact information with anyone without your explicit consent and will make reasonable efforts to avoid disclosing your identity to the contractor unless absolutely necessary.

What we are unable to help with

It is important to note that the Home Performance Stakeholder Council (HPSC) does not have the authority to settle a dispute, or to impose a settlement, and it does not have the authority to act as an arbitrator in a complaint. While your report may be valid, it could fall outside of the HPSC’s jurisdiction. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide support for specific project or contract issues.

Additional support may be available at the following resources:

Have you hired the company for your project?

What type of project did you contact the company to discuss/hire them to do?

Reminder: The HPSC will use attachments submitted here to help determine if HPCN contractors are producing quality workmanship and maintaining a high standard of business practices. The HPSC is not able to assist with project remediation; see the How we can help section for information. No Files ChosenAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, ico, wax. Max. file size: 5 MB

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