On October 1st, 2019 the CleanBC Better Homes Program and Home Renovation Rebate Program updated the program terms & conditions, added new rebates, and updated the betterhomesbc.ca website. Here’s a few of the highlights:
Electrical Service Upgrade Rebate
- NEW: $500 electrical service upgrade rebate for homeowners needing to upgrade their electrical system to accommodate a qualifying heat pump (for space or for water heating) in homes that are fuel switching from oil, propane or natural gas.
- NEW: An additional $500 electrical service upgrade top-up for installs in the North Vancouver, Whistler, Powell River, Saanich and Vancouver (for a total incentive of $1000).
$6,000 Heat Pump Top-Up in City of Vancouver
- NEW: The City of Vancouver is offering a $6,000 top-up for homeowners that replace their gas primary heating equipment with an all-electric tier 2 heat pump system, up to a maximum of 80% of installed cost. Added to the CleanBC rebates for heat pumps and electrical service upgrades, that’s a $10,000 rebate! Note they are still offering the existing $2,000 top-up.
Other Municipal Top-Up Changes
- NEW: Some municipalities are now offering top-ups on heat pump water heaters, of $350 or $1000. View the municipal top ups at https://betterhomesbc.ca/municipal-offers/.
Qualified Product Lists
- We are introducing a program-qualified Heat Pump list to make it easier for customers to find out if their quoted models are eligible. The heat pump must be listed on the qualified heat pump product list to be eligible for rebates. All models that are eligible under the current program criteria are being added to this list. To find qualifying heat pumps, visit bchydro.com/qualifyingheatpumps after October 1. We are also introducing a list of program-qualified Air-to-Water heat pumps. The list can be viewed at betterhomesBC.ca/qualifyingairtowaterhp. This means that homeowners will no longer be required to get pre-approval.
If you have any program questions, please contact the Program Coordinator, grant.moonie@gov.bc.ca or reach out the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Coaches at 1(844) 881-9790