On October 8, 2019 an Air Source Heat Pump Rebate Program Webinar was provided via the Residential Retrofit Acceleration Project.  The webinar provided heat pump contractors and other stakeholders with:

  • An introduction to the website tools and resources for CleanBC betterhomesbc.ca
  • A summary of the Program Registered Heat Pump Contractor Initiative and the locate a heat pump contractor search tool
  • An overview of all available heat pump rebates, including the new up to $6,000 City of Vancouver Rebate, the new Electrical Service Upgrade rebates and the municipal top-up rebates available in select communities.
  • A comprehensive overview of the eligibility and documentation requirements.

To access the presentation see the following links:

Contractors and stakeholders stay tuned for rebate program webinars for insulation and windows.

This webinar was delivered by City Green Solutions in partnership with the Home Performance Stakeholder Council. The Residential Retrofit Acceleration Project activities are delivered with funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.